Pagina principale
Welcome to the Agent and Pervasive Computing Group Wiki page

The Agents and Pervasive Computing Group has been founded in 1998 and it is carrying out high-quality research in the areas of
- distributed systems engineering,
- agent-oriented software engineering,
- middleware for mobile and pervasive computing,
- self-organization in computing systems.
Members of the group regularly publish their research results in major international journals, and actively participate in the organization of major international conferences and workshops.
The excellence of the performed research work during the years has also been explicitly recognized by the international community via several best paper awards and several invited papers.
This site provide information about teaching. Refer to for information about research.
Teaching activities at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Staff Researchers from AgentGroup carry on teaching activities at
- the Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari",
- the Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria,
- the Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche.
University courses (Insegnamenti universitari)
The following list contains information about current courses (only in Italian):
- Sistemi Operativi e Lab. from the A.Y. 2023-24, the name is Sistemi Operativi
- Progettazione di Sistemi Operativi - LM
- Programmazione ad Oggetti
- Paradigmi e Linguaggi di Programmazione
- Metodologie e Architetture Software
Other (no more active) courses:
- Sistemi Operativi
- Elementi di Informatica
- Principi di Sistemi Operativi - LM
- Principi di Sistemi Operativi per LS
- Fondamenti di Informatica C
- Sistemi Distribuiti
- Sistemi Software Distribuiti
- Progetto del Software
Available thesis projects (Tesi disponibili)
Nella pagina tesi sono disponibili alcune proposte di tesi triennale, specialistica e magistrale.